Miscellaneous Photos
Funny Photos
This is Martin, our resident German....actually more accurately, our German-Sicilian, since he has Sicilian ancestry...which would explain his predominantly un-German-like characteristics!
Anyway, this is his usual relaxed state. Haha!
Another drunken classmate, Binay. This was one of the evenings that we went out for Carnevale.
It doesn't seem that Binay can handle his alcohol too well. But at least, he did what he was told to do! Walk straight...sit down.....ok...stay!
Valerie posing in front of a Mao-Tse-Tung poster. Hmmmm, are there similarities?
Apparently there are a few of us are musicians! Nicolo' entertaining us with guitar music.....very good! Yeah...rock on!
Giuseppe, being a klutz as usual, spilling his drink. Tip: Don't ever let him carry a wine bottle...because he'll be sure to drop it! Haha.
Part of the gang having lunch together on the weekend. Do we look cold? That's because it was in the winter... I think we were having home-made pasta made by Andrea (the one in the black beanie cap). Pretty good considering we don't have real kitchen facilities here!! Plus, it's the first time that I've had tuna in my pasta....excellent! Highly recommend trying it.
The three amigos...I would've said the Italian amigos...but Surinder doesn't quite qualify as Italian, even though he's learned a lot of the 'low-language' Italian words.
This was after they played some rather rough soccer.
From left to right: Giuseppe, Surinder and Andrea.
The guys post-laundry, sorting out their stuff. Since the laundry machines are quite big, two people can wash their clothes at the same time.
Another class picture just before we started spring break. Can't you tell that we all look more relaxed now? This was when I headed out to explore Italy with Anton for about 2 weeks.
The guys studying on the roof to try to catch some warming rays. This was early spring...so not much sun yet.
From left to right: Stefano, Nicolo, Giuseppe, Surinder and Andrea
Alberto showing our colleagues his ass-ets. Nice view!
Can you guess who this is? 'This person was being very creative with the hot dog.
Surinder, the machine, finally broke down and fell asleep on the vaporetto.
He goes to the gym every day and consistently gets up every day early, even on the weekend, much to the chagrin of his room-mate Giuseppe, who is almost the opposite!!!
Of course Surinder wasn't the only one who couldn't resist the sleeping gods!
I took a quick snooze during a break.
Don't you think there's a resemblance between Alberto and Jacques Cousteau??
Some of our Professors:
Our Organic Displays professor from the Philips company showing us some cool OLED (Organic LED) gadgets!! Awesome!
Our 'famous' Professor Ferrari, who taught us Photonic Crystals. He made our lessons very 'interesting' with his "It is IMPOSSIBLE to NOT obtain FCC structures...." Huh????
Let's just say that he was very dramatic in his speech. It's too bad that I can 't show videos here.
We were all quoting him for weeks after!!
A class picture with Dr. Kim Schatzel, who taught us Marketing.
suanne could you please remove my drunken photo from your blog. I would appreciate it very much.
Alberto doesn't look like Jacques Cousteau ! He rather looks like Dalì i'd say...
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